(Available on Podcast, Youtube with Eng subtitles & Written notes)
Have you tried to onboard your mother in DEFI without passing-by a Centralized Exchange? Have you tried Metamask mobile APP?
@Subli_Defi sat down with @Jett Lin from @Blocto to present their self Custodial, Gasless & non-KYC wallet
Already 1.7m unique users, best user experience so far i’ve met
Partnership with WEB 2 companies
Available on Multi chains, while offering a gasless service
Able to access any dAPPs in DEFI
And much more!
Note: The 🔴Optimist partnered with Revelo Intel to provide written notes of some of the podcasts, access limited to members only.
Written notes provided by Revelo Intel: Click HERE (not available yet)
Youtube Video with English Subtitles: Click HERE
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